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Sore Muscles-Rest Day or Workout? What to EAT??

So I have been working out intensely for the past year and I still experience muscle soreness!  Just this last week I had a nice little reunion with Brazil Butt Lift and man was my bum burning!  This week I am going to add a some  High and Tight on Tuesday and Bum Bum on Friday .  My thighs, butt and are going to thank me!  I have been doing 22-minute hardcorps  for the past 60 days and there are lots of squats and lunges but it just goes to show that when you switch up your workouts you still work your muscles in a different way!

It's common for beginners to experience muscle soreness that lasts for a week or two, just as seasoned exercisers will be sore after a tough workout. Yes, you should keep working out even though you are sore, but there is more to it than that. The only way to avoid muscle soreness is to not workout at all!  And that is certainly not going to get you that body you envision in your mind!

Muscle soreness has two primary causes. The first soreness you experience happens during your workout ("the burn") and should subside within a couple of hours. This is caused by lactic acid production. When you are training and your muscles are not getting enough oxygen (anaerobic glycolysis), lactic acid builds up. You can break down lactic acid by continuing to move and by doing light aerobic exercise (such as walking) after your workout. This is why cool-downs are so important, especially for beginners. The longer you cool down, the faster that lactic acid will leave the muscles (typically within an hour).

The type of muscle soreness you are experiencing, up to a day or two (and sometimes even three) after your workout is known as DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). DOMS is caused by microscopic tears inside the muscles, resulting from weight-training or fully exhausting the muscles during cardio. This is normal. Again, beginners will be more sore and usually for longer, but if you really worked as hard as you should have during a weightlifting session, you should be somewhat sore for the next day or two.

This is where rest comes in. You absolutely must rest the muscles you worked for 1-2 days after a workout. Take at least one day off between strength training sessions, and if you are still very sore, take 2 days off. (This means from lifting, not from all exercise such as cardio). If you don't let your muscles recover and repair, they will continue to break down and you will actually get weaker.

To help prevent soreness in the future, and alleviate some of it now, be sure to: 
1. Always warm-up for 5-10 minutes and cool-down for at least 5 minutes.

2. Stretch after a warm-up, during your workout, and after you are done. Only stretch when your muscles are already warm from some kind of light activity.

3. Stay active. The more your muscles move, the faster they will recover from exercise and soreness. If you choose to rest completely instead of "actively recovering" with light exercise, you'll probably be sore longer.

 One technique I've used with some success to reduce my own muscle soreness is to use a foam roller regularly as a part of my cool down. This has been particularly helpful for me after a long, high intensity bike ride or after I start a new type of exercise or a new weight training routine. Plus it just feels amazing to stretch out your muscles.  The key is to find the sore spot and lay on it.  So use the foam roller find the hot spot and just sink into it slowly moving back and forth almost giving yourself a massage!  I admit I am not the best at it but when I do, I always wonder why I don't do it more often. For those who don't know the benefits of foam rolling here why you should: Improved circulation ✔️ Increased blood flow✔️ Releases muscle tightness ✔️ Breaks down knots in your muscles✔️ Reduces pain✔️. The benefits of foam rolling have to do with the mobility of the fascia. Fascia is a fibrous layer of connective tissue that surrounds all of the muscles in our body. Without proper mobility, fibers of the fascia become cross linked and they bind to muscles and nerves, inhibiting normal motion and causing pain. Many runners will stretch to try to keep their muscles healthy, but is stretching really enough. Now get your roll on!

We have some great post workout drinks that you can consume to help reduce the post muscle soreness and help your body to recovery faster.

The most important meal you eat is the one that you have directly after your workout.  for about an hour after your workout, there's a window of opportunity when your muscles are literally starving for nutrients. We call this the golden hour. And the meal you eat at this time is the most important for building muscle and replenishing energy sources.

The first thing your body needs is a nice fresh supply of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are used by your body for making muscles, hormones, neurotransmitters, bones and all sorts of other important things. Exercise depletes critical amino acids such as glutamine, valine, isoleucine and leucine–and the way you replenish your body's supply is with protein. That means meat, chicken, eggs, fish or whey protein powder.

The second thing you need is some carbohydrates. Exercise draws upon your body's stores of glycogen, which is the storage form of sugar. Glycogen waits in the liver and the muscles for a signal that sugar is needed: "Hey, she's exercising, let's give her some fuel!" Your body can hold about 1,800 calories of sugar as glycogen, which is plenty to fuel any workout short of a marathon, but athletes do best when their glycogen stores are full, so unless you are on a carb-restricted diet, some slow-burning carbs after working out is a good idea. (Hint: The best carbs are oatmeal, brown rice, grains like quinoa or amaranth, and all vegetables and fruits).

Your muscles need protein for repair and growth, and your body needs some carbs to replenish its glycogen stores. Truth be told, after a hard workout your body is like the plant in Little Shop of Horrors: It's crying "Feed me!" and it won't take no for an answer. Remember, right before exercise you have to consider the time it takes to digest food, so you need to go light. But post-workout is the ideal time to have a full meal. So what's the best meal, or combination of foods, to have post-workout? 

Shakeology is a great post workout meal.  It has a perfect combination of protein and carbs along with all the essential amino acids and nutrients your body needs to recovery from the workout you just did.  At least you don't have to stand there in the kitchen wondering if what you are eating is the right option.  Instead whip up a shake and go!  It honestly is refreshing and delicious!

Club Performance Challenge Pack

The Club Performance Challenge Pack gives you streaming access to hundreds of workouts, plus two performance-boosting supplements with key ingredients to help you push harder, increase your energy, improve your endurance, jump-start your recovery, and combat exercise-induced muscle soreness, so you can reach your fitness goals even faster.* You can even start streaming over $4,000 in proven Beachbody workouts, because your Challenge Pack includes 90 days of access to Beachbody On Demand!


  • Beachbody Performance Energize Pre-Workout Formula with key ingredients to help boost your energy, sharpen your focus, push harder, and last longer—delivered on Home Direct, our monthly autoship program.*
  • Beachbody Performance Recover Post-Workout Formula, with key ingredients shown to help combat exercise-induced muscle soreness and speed muscle recovery to help you accelerate your fitness results—delivered on Home Direct, our monthly autoship program.*

  • Chicken and Mixed Vegetables

Four ounces of skinless, boneless chicken breast contains almost 35 grams of high-quality protein as well as small amounts of calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron; 255 mg of phosphorus; 287 mg of heart-healthy potassium; and 75 percent of the recommended dietary intake for niacin, a B vitamin that's important in energy metabolism. One large (6-ounce) chicken breast is even more loaded: It contains more potassium than there is in a medium banana, plus a whopping 53 grams of protein.

The fat in boneless, skinless chicken is mostly monounsaturated. Only 1.1 grams of the 4 grams of fat in 4 ounces of chicken is saturated fat. The vegetables provide carbs and fiber. If you like, you can have half of a sweet potato with the meal and a spoonful of olive oil and/or almonds on the vegetables.

Breakfast Anytime: Egg Omelet with Avocado

Eggs are just about the best source of protein on the planet. Mix with as many vegetables as you like for a perfect meal. Hint: I also stir-fry a sliced apple into the mix. Serve with avocado for a nice dose of fiber and monounsaturated fat.

At the Gym: Whey Protein Shake

I consider whey protein powder the best protein powder available. You can mix whey powder with frozen berries (my favorite) and water, or with almost any combination of ingredients; I've thrown in a spoonful or two of peanut butter, oatmeal or sliced apple, or made it plain with water. All work. The whey provides the protein; the berries provide the carbs. (You can of course make the shake with milk or soymilk, but watch out for the calories. I don't recommend making shakes with juice.)

The Three S's: Salmon, Spinach and Sweet Potato

Here's the ideal balanced meal. Wild salmon for protein and omega-3s, spinach for the cornucopia of vitamins and minerals (including the superstar of eye nutrition, lutein), and a sweet potato for slow-burning carbohydrates. It's an almost perfect meal. You can add a little flaxseed oil (or olive oil or butter) to the sweet potato or even sprinkle it with almonds, but watch your portion size: While these additions are all brimming with health, they're also high-calorie items.

Bodybuilder's Delight: Tuna, Brown Rice and Vegetables

You can't go to a "hard core" gym without seeing a bodybuilder eating this old classic from a Tupperware container. A single can of light tuna canned in water and drained provides an astonishing 42 grams of high-quality protein for under 200 calories. That same can has more than 100 percent of the daily value for niacin, 29 percent of the daily value for vitamin B6 and 82 percent of the daily value for vitamin B12. And tuna is a superb source of the vitally important cancer-protective trace mineral selenium. Add some brown rice for fiber and carbs, load up with the vegetables and you're good to go.

You can't go wrong with any of those five, or variations thereof. They'll load up your body with the energy needed to refuel and the protein needed to rebuild and repair muscle. Couple them with hard, intense and frequent workouts, and you'll be on the way to the body of your dreams.

Remember no pain no gain!!!! 


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