It is that stubborn spare tire that some of us fight with. What is causing that inner tube around your waist? If you are ready to reduce the bulge you see under your shirt, then make a 30 day commitment to my new group "WHITTLE YOUR MIDDLE". It is a closed Facebook support and accountability group that will be devoted to reducing the excess weight most women seem to carry around their waist.
Did you know...having a large amount of belly fat increases your risk of:
*Cardiovascular disease.
*Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
*Colorectal cancer.
*Sleep apnea.
*Premature death from any cause.
*High blood pressure.
*Cardiovascular disease.
*Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
*Colorectal cancer.
*Sleep apnea.
*Premature death from any cause.
*High blood pressure.
YOU ARE INVITED: For 30 days starting on June 1st we are going to work together to reduce that bulge around your middle once and for all.
I will be sharing with you:
*What is causing that bulge and what you can do to stop it.
*Daily motivation and tips
*Sample meal plans
*Healthy Snack Ideas
*Daily Accountability and Support
*Help to start planning your own meals that will reduce your middle
Here is what you need to do to be part of the group:
*Commit to showing up for 30 days and checking in as part of the group
*Commit to an exercise and nutrition program that is tailored to fit your needs.
*Focus on changing some habits that are causing the unhealthy, excess weight around your middle.
I will be sharing with you:
*What is causing that bulge and what you can do to stop it.
*Daily motivation and tips
*Sample meal plans
*Healthy Snack Ideas
*Daily Accountability and Support
*Help to start planning your own meals that will reduce your middle
Here is what you need to do to be part of the group:
*Commit to showing up for 30 days and checking in as part of the group
*Commit to an exercise and nutrition program that is tailored to fit your needs.
*Focus on changing some habits that are causing the unhealthy, excess weight around your middle.
This is not a crash diet, this is meant to help you make a LIFESTYLE CHANGE so you can learn new habits to make a lifetime commitment to your health and wellbeing.
If you are interested in working with me and my team to battle this bulge then apply here: Click Here
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