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Grocery Items ( No sugar added )

Here is a grocery list of items that have no added sugar or artificial sweeteners. Listed below are a few items you may want to consider.
Read the ingredient listed on the labels! Note that most boxed foods will have some type of added sugar or sweetener. Reading labels are very important and may sound time-consuming, but after a few time, you’ll be scanning labels like a pro. It’s a good habit.
Note most foods have naturally occurring sugar, it’s added sugar and sweeteners you want to avoid.

Almond Milk without added sugar
Coconut Milk
Pomegranate Juice, 100% pure juice
Green Tea, home brewed
Cottage Cheese
Greek yogurt, plain,
Feta Cheese
Parmasean Cheese
Spaghetti or Marinara Sauce, We like Ragu Lite (no added sugar)
Pasta, 100% whole wheat
Lean Ground Turkey
Wild Caught Salmon
Lean Meats
Fresh vegetables
Fresh fruit
Brown Rice
Old-Fashioned Oats
Steel Cut Oats
Applesauce, no added sugar
Dates (read the label to ensure they're no added sweeteners)
Ezekiel Bread (sometimes found in cooler or freezer)
White Whole Wheat Flour
Whole Wheat Flour
Coconut Flour
Jam & Jelly sweetened with fruit juice, we like Polaner all Fruit with Fiber
Natural Peanut Butter, Smuckers, and Krema are yummy brands
Raw or roasted nuts (without added oils, salt or sugar), especially walnuts, almonds and pistachios
Raw or roasted seeds,pumpkin, flax, chia or sunflower seeds
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Canola Oil
Coconut Oil, unrefined


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