Save More Money
Shopping for groceries, and eating out less you will start to save money. Once you write out your meal plan and the ingredients you will need. Now you can shop and buy only the items you will need for that week. Sticking to your list will save you time and money
Healthier choices vs Eating last minute
If you don't meal plan you'll find yourself going out for dinner. And you are most likely to end up exceeding your daily calorie and sodium intake! Even just stopping at the grocery store to pick up a last minute dinner may lead to poor choices. When you shop hungry, you are more likely to throw junk food into your cart.
Check the weather.
If you don't meal plan you'll find yourself going out for dinner. And you are most likely to end up exceeding your daily calorie and sodium intake! Even just stopping at the grocery store to pick up a last minute dinner may lead to poor choices. When you shop hungry, you are more likely to throw junk food into your cart.
Check the weather.
Seriously. Right now, the weather is changing, spring and summer are on their way. Check out the weather forecast, and make your plan based on how you feel and are in the mood for. Soup or Salad?
Prep food as soon as you get back from the store.
Prep food as soon as you get back from the store.
Wash and dry lettuce. Chop onions. Cook marinate chicken or beef for the week.
Create a place to save recipes, and keep it SIMPLE.
Do whatever works for you. Don't get caught up in a system, just use whatever works best and most easily. I print mine out and store in a plastic liner.
Start a calendar.
Now that you're getting inspired in what to eat, start a calendar of what you'd like to cook over the next few days or few weeks. It can be as organized as a Google Calendar, with notes on each day for that day's menu. Or you can just jot notes to yourself in the corner of your laptop screen.
Create a place to save recipes, and keep it SIMPLE.
Do whatever works for you. Don't get caught up in a system, just use whatever works best and most easily. I print mine out and store in a plastic liner.
Start a calendar.
Now that you're getting inspired in what to eat, start a calendar of what you'd like to cook over the next few days or few weeks. It can be as organized as a Google Calendar, with notes on each day for that day's menu. Or you can just jot notes to yourself in the corner of your laptop screen.
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