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Meal Plan

It is very important when exercising and trying to lose weight that you eat 6 small meals per day.  This helps you to keep your blood sugar levels steady.  It also helps you body maintain its muscle mass and fuels your body for your daily activities.  Always eat breakfast within 1 hour of rising!  And more importantly ALWAYS EAT BREAKFAST!  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  It starts your metabolism and gets your body ready for the activities you have to do during the day.  If you are not losing weight it could be because you are not eating a healthy breakfast with complex carbs and protein.
Also, make sure you always pair complex carbs and protein at every meal.  I recommend Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Recharged Book!  She really explains the entire history and science behind eating clean and why you should pair your foods strategically together to get the results that you want!

Before I eat my breakfast I get a large glass of warm water and squeeze 1/2 fresh lemon into it.  I drink the entire thing before I eat.  This helps cleanse your body, improves digestion, and helps the body shed toxins.  Lemon water is a natural diuretic.  Each morning I eat oatmeal of some sort.  My usual recipe is:
1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 handful of blueberries and 1 tbsp flaxseed.
4 hard boiled egg whites
1 cup black coffee

2 1/2 hours later I have my mid morning snack:
1 apple with 2 tbsp all natural almond butter.  You can also do any one of these options:
  •  20 grapes and 1 low fat string cheese.
  • 2 plain (no added salt) whole wheat rice cakes with 1 tbsp all natural nut butter and 2 tbsp raisins.
  • 2 tbsp low fat roasted red pepper hummus from costco and carrots and celery.
  • 1/2 cup plain (no fruit) greek yogurt with fresh berries on top with a drizzle of honey or agave nectar and a scant handful of raw unsalted slivered almonds.

Chocolate Shakeology with 1 tbsp of all natural almond butter, 1 banana, 1 cup skim milk or water and ice.  I blend mine in this handy little hamilton beach single serving blender that you could literally put in your bag and take to work with you!  AMAZING!

Before I drank shakeology I would eat: 
1 piece of grilled chicken on a salad.  I would add every veggie I had in the fridge.  Carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, feta cheese, slivered almonds and low fat balsamic vinaigrette dressing (1tbsp). 
Always drink a big glass of water!

Afternoon snack
Protein shake on my workout days, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1 cup water with ice and fresh strawberries in a blender!

When it is not a workout day I will have 1/2 cup cottage cheese with fresh berries and a glass of water.

Usually chicken of some sort and veggies.  I use sweet potatoes a lot of times and brown rice, quinoa and orzo.  Check out my eating clean recipes for more ideas.
 If I am still hungry in the evenings I will have 1/2 cup greek yogurt with fresh fruit and a dabof honey!  Green tea to drink!  Green tea has these awesome natural antioxidants that help to fight off hunger and shed your body of toxins!  I love Stash brand and the ginger peach is my favorite flavor!

For a weeks worth of meals click here!

Click here to view Tips for pre-planning your snacks!
Message me for customized meal plans and additional ideas!  I'd love to help you reach your weight loss goals!

Do you really want to get down to the STRIPPED version of this meal plan?  Then check out the STRIPPED PLAN and exactly how I implemented it to lose those last 10 pounds and tighten up for my trip to Vegas.


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