2 Months until the annual Team Beachbody Coach Summit in New Orleans. It's time to get my nutrition in check and be ready to kick up my boot and summer shorts. So here is the bottom line, whether you are going on vacation, a wedding, a special event or you just want to truly look and feel your best there are a few things that I do to stay in tip-top shape. 1. You have to track your progress. Whether you use an application like My Fitness Pal or you use good old fashioned pen and paper you need a system for keeping track. The 21-day fix comes with the nutrition guide, the portion controlled containers and the tracking sheets so that you document what you are eating. How often do you go through a day thinking you were spot on with your nutrition and then you had an extra handful of nuts, finished your kid's ice cream or a glass of sweet tea? I mean it happens to us all, but we think we were on track! We don't think those little things add up but in reality, the will break...
Nutrition Coach