Do you ever feel like you have tried everything to get healthy but you just can’t seem to make it work. There you are once again seeing others achieve results. You have no idea why everyone around you is moving forward while you have plateaued with no gains for the last 4 months. Losing weight and being healthy is not an overnight fix, it is about finding what works and doing it on a daily basis. Now I know how you might be feeling because when I first got started, I was 30 pounds overweight and at 5’3 (barely) that is a lot of weight to carry around. The worst part for me is I carried it in my mid section. I couldn’t button my pants and so I ended up buying 2 sizes up so they would be loose. I am pretty sure that is when depression started to rear its ugly head. Now I need to tell you I was thin most of my life so this was new to me and scared the heck out of me as well. My plan wasn’t working and no matter how many times I changed my goal, it still didn’t work. I realized t...
Nutrition Coach